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The Science of Better Pharmaceutical Delivery

Though improved delivery of bioactive compounds, bioavailability is big business


What if you could take a pill and feel the effects almost immediately?

From prescription medications to recreational compounds, the potential market for this kind of technology is huge. But what most don’t realize is that this technology is already here.

Lexaria Bioscience (Nasdaq:LEXX) has developed a technology that makes orally and topically administered drugs significantly more bioavailable, and reduces the onset time from hours to mere minutes.

DehydraTECH™, Lexaria’s patented drug delivery technology is shaping up to be a real game changer.

Tested and proven in the lab and in the market, the consensus is clear: DehydraTECH™ works. It increases the bioavailability of fat-soluble drugs and molecules by as much as 2 to 10 times, and with up to 10 times faster onset.

The technology also masks unpleasant tastes and odors, can bypass the liver, and can reduce harmful side effects by allowing smaller doses with the same level of effectiveness.


Quick Facts for Investors

Established bioscience leader

Lexaria has been developing its proprietary DehydraTECH™ technology since 2014 and has the team, the expertise, and the results to match.

Increased Bio-absorption

Lexaria’s proprietary process not only makes fat-soluble molecules more bioavailable when taken orally, it also delivers these useful compounds to the bloodstream and brain tissue to have the greatest effect.

Faster onset

Instead of waiting hours, drugs and supplements made with DehydraTECH™ can take effect in as little as 2 to 4 minutes.

Proven efficacy 

Laboratory studies and the market have shown again and again that DehydraTECH™ is safe, significantly faster and more effective than conventional formulations, and has greater absorption of the intended molecules. And in July, 2022, Lexaria submitted its briefing book to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding Lexaria’s DehydraTECH-CBD for the treatment of hypertension and at the same time its 27th worldwide patent was granted. 

Broad applications

DehydraTECH™ has been successfully applied to various legal recreational compounds, antivirals, sildenafil and more. There are 27 granted patents and over 50 more patent-pending applications for phosphodiesterase inhibitors, estrogen, testosterone, antiviral drugs, hypertension treatments, and more, as more industries see the incredible potential of this game changing technology.

Trillion dollar licensing opportunity

At the end of 2020, the pharmaceutical market was valued at approximately $1.27 trillion. At the same time, the global supplementation market was valued at over $140.3 billion and nicotine replacement is expected to be a $147.9 billion market by 2028.2 Through improved bioavailability and decreased onset time DehydraTECH™ represents huge multiple licensing opportunities for Lexaria and their investors. On top of this, Lexaria has already secured a licensing agreement with the largest tobacco company in the country for DehydraTECH, giving investors exposure to this $853 billion industry. Combined, this represents well over $2 trillion of potential addressable market share.

The company has recently announced licensing deals bringing DehydraTECH™ to the European, Japanese, Australian, South African, and New Zealand markets, with more deals expected soon.

Precision Delivery of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

With unsurpassed ease and simplicity of administration, it’s no surprise that a large portion of drugs come in pill or capsule form. We’ve all swallowed our share of pills, but most people don’t give much thought to what happens once it enters the stomach.

Through the process of digestion, active ingredients are eventually absorbed to perform their desired function in the body. But if you’ve ever taken a pill, you’ve also likely noticed that the active ingredients can take a while to take effect, often as long as several hours. What you may not realize, is that for some active pharmaceutical ingredients (“APIs”), as little as 2% of the drug actually reaches your bloodstream! That’s right, sometimes 98% is wasted.

There are a variety of reasons for this, and we’ll spare you the complicated scientific explanation today, but in the pharmaceutical and consumer product industries, this phenomenon has a name: bioavailability.

What good is a pill if the active ingredients aren’t efficiently absorbed into the body? How beneficial is a medication when it comes along with unpleasant side effects at the required effective dose? Increasing bioavailability solves all of this, and that’s exactly what Lexaria’s proprietary DehydraTECH™ technology delivers.

By combining the API with certain fatty acids, infusing the mixture into a substrate material, and then using a patented dehydration synthesis processing to associate the payload and fatty acids together at a molecular level, Lexaria can dramatically improve the bioavailability of a wide range of APIs.

In addition to increasing bioavailability and decreasing onset time, DehydraTECH also allows manufacturers to, at times, bypass liver first-pass liver metabolization, which can enable some APIs to work far better.


Hepatic Transport

For certain preparations to work best, they need to be processed first by the liver before entering the bloodstream. When this is desired, Lexaria uses medium chain fatty acids in the DehydraTECH process. Medium chain fatty acids are directed to and processed in the liver, so combining them with drugs or supplement payloads delivers these molecules directly to the liver for processing.

Lymphatic Transport

But – and this is where DehydraTECH’s versatility outshines the competition – many other APIs work better if the liver could somehow be bypassed, allowing the drug to enter the bloodstream without being altered by the liver. This is called bypassing first-pass liver metabolization, and Lexaria believes they have figured out how to achieve this remarkable feat. To accomplish this, Lexaria uses specific long chain fatty acids in the patented DehydraTECH formulations and process. Long chain fatty acids are absorbed by the lymphatic system and thereby bypass initial processing in the liver. This results in extremely rapid onset and the ability to deliver certain APIs to the bloodstream in their original form, unaltered by the liver. This can be ideal for pain relief or as an anti-seizure medication, and for other immediate medical needs.


Market Dominance Through Licensing

As you’ve seen by now, the market potential for DehydraTECH is huge and growing every day as new applications are discovered. Lexaria has created something that greatly improves the effectiveness, delivery, and rapidity of a wide variety of medications and supplements and the market is taking notice.

Through their products, Lexaria has already proven, time and time again, that DehydraTECH works. The market has confirmed this, through the generation of licensing revenues that has now begun.

But rather than keeping the power of DehydraTECH to itself, Lexaria has made the smart decision to pursue licensing deals with big pharma, companies developing reduced risk nicotine products, CBD, supplement producers, and more. If there’s a molecule that DehydraTECH can make more effective, Lexaria wants producers to have access to the technology.

That’s why, as exciting as current successes and revenues have been for Lexaria, smart investors are most excited about the potential revenue growth that will come with additional DehydraTECH licensing agreements and opportunities.

If you are not familiar with how licensing works in the pharma industry, and to show the craftiness behind Lexaria’s strategy, did you know that companies like Lexaria can generate hundreds of millions in revenues BEFORE a drug or product ever hits the marketplace? Some biotech investors know that it can take many years to get a drug approved and into the marketplace. But Lexaria’s licensing strategy can earn the company millions or even up to hundreds of millions in revenues through so-called milestone payments.

Milestone payments can be earned when a new drug candidate has been licensed by a major pharmaceutical partner and “graduates” through the FDA Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III regulatory process. As risks are removed, the company that has supplied the underlying technology which in this case is Lexaria, often receive these milestone payments, similar to the $30 million clinical milestone payment Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. recently paid to MeiraGTx, which reflects the growing likelihood that their technology is more likely to enter the market.

For a growing company like Lexaria, being able to receive milestone payments is a path towards faster growth or more R&D WITHOUT having to issue any more dilutive equity or take on any burdensome debt. It’s a brilliant strategy. Let’s take a look at how and where Lexaria is taking advantage of this strategy and growing a global presence in the proces with various DehydraTECH applications:


Medical Cannabis in Europe

Lexaria has granted a non-exclusive license to produce DehydraTECH™ medical cannabis products for the European market to Valcon Medical. Valcon Medical is a European contract manufacturing organization, specialized in the manufacturing of medical cannabis extracts for the European Union and the UK.

“We are very excited to have licensed Lexaria’s DehydraTECH technology for what we expect will be rapid growth across the European markets,” said Pete Patterson, CEO of Valcon Medical. “As Valcon continues to build out its manufacturing capabilities we are developing new IP and partnering with industry leaders. Lexaria has developed and patented an incredible technology which will benefit medical cannabis patients with enhanced bioavailability with a quicker effect onset. Backed by substantial clinical efficacy studies, Valcon will bridge the extensive work that Lexaria has done in the US, over to Europe.”


Expanding Production Capabilities in the U.S.

In the U.S., Lexaria’s most recent licensing opportunity came in the form of a two-part agreement with Georgia-based Bevnology. The agreement first expands the manufacturing capabilities for Lexaria, capitalizing on Bevnology’s production capabilities and making DehydraTECH available to an expanding list of Lexaria corporate clients. Second, the agreement grants a commercial license to offer DehydraTECH products with active ingredients derived from hemp including cannabidiol (“CBD”) under BevNology and partnered brands.

Bevnology is a beverage development and advisory company with plenty of expertise in steering the commercialization of beverage products, whether they are for new or established brands. Translation: they bring a lot of relationships and potential product opportunities in which Lexaria’s state-of-the-art technology can be marketed and used.  Lexaria will be receiving royalties from Bevnology, creating a new and exciting revenue stream for the growing company.

“These agreements build on a long standing and very successful product development consulting relationship between Lexaria and the expert scientists and personnel at BevNology,” said Chris Bunka, CEO of Lexaria. “BevNology’s formulation and production capabilities are class leading  and we are confident that our new relationship with our trusted partner will propel new and exciting growth opportunities for both companies.”


A Global CBD Opportunity

California-based Cannadips has taken the age-old chewing tobacco concept and given it some modern innovation…without the health hazards. Their CBD pouches are a tobacco-free and nicotine-free dip alternative delivering CBD with the aid of Lexaria’s DehydraTECH.

Cannadips are sold in 6,500 stores across the United States along with the company’s direct-to-consumer sales structure, and are expanding manufacturing agreements to include Europe, Japan, and South Africa, giving DehydraTECH a truly impressive global footprint.

“We are delighted with the expansion of the Cannadips brand outside of the USA,” said Chris Bunka, CEO of Lexaria Bioscience Corp. “We continue to work with the Cannadips team on the infusion of exciting new formulations to meet the needs of adult consumers’ changing preferences and will endeavour to always remain one step ahead of the competition.”


Wellness Overseas

The company also recently announced licensing deals with Premier Wellness Science Co., Ltd. in Japan, and with AnodGen Bioceuticals to bring DehydraTECH to the European, Australian and New Zealand markets, with Lexaria receiving a royalty on all sales.

As we’ve mentioned, the pharmaceutical industry is already valued at well over $1 trillion, and the supplement industry is also growing fast. DehydraTECH makes these beneficial molecules and medications more bioavailable, decreases onset time, masks unwanted flavors and odors, and in many cases, increases effectiveness and reduces side effects. We expect adoption and licensing agreements to explode in the coming years as more and more manufacturers become aware of the benefits DehydraTECH can provide.

Summary For Investors

Lexaria has created something unique with DehydraTECH. Market applications are vast with pharmaceuticals, antivirals, legal recreational compounds, and more.

Tested and proven in the lab and in the market, DehydraTECH works, and formulations made with this method are already in high demand from both consumers and drug and supplement manufacturers.

While one division is already bringing in revenue for Lexaria, the real potential of DehydraTECH, especially for investors who get in now, lies in licensing opportunities and milestone payments. The pharmaceutical market is valued at well over $1 trillion, and a significant portion of big pharma’s drug catalog stands to benefit from the increased bioavailability, reduced onset time, and precision targeting that DehydraTECH provides. The company has filed with the FDA to formally initiate communications FDA regarding development of Lexaria’s DehydraTECH-CBD for the treatment of hypertension.

Tobacco and nicotine is another $853 billion market Lexaria is already breaking into in the form of licensing agreements for oral nicotine delivery. Reduced risk products are expected to be a major focus for the tobacco industry as people turn away from cigarettes, and DehydraTECH is proving to be more effective than anything else on the market.

Recent deals with Valcon Medical and AnodGen Bioceuticals is set to bring DehydraTECH medical cannabis products to the European, Australian and New Zealand markets, further expanding the company’s reach in this growing space, and a similar deal with Premier Wellness Science Co., Ltd. is set to bring DehydraTECH-enabled products to Japan. Lexaria will receive royalty payments on all DehydraTECH sales under these deals.

The bottom line is, DehydraTECH works, and the market is beginning to take notice. As new licensing agreements and use cases continue to stack up, early investors are set to win big with Lexaria Bioscience. Pharmaceuticals, supplements, and nicotine represent well over $2 trillion of market share, and DehydraTECH has the potential to revolutionize all of these industries.

Far from the usual boring investments, Lexaria Bioscience just might be one of the best kept secrets in the market today.

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  • Name of Issuer & Ticker Symbol - Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (LEXX)
  • Amount & Form of Compensation - $1,200,000 in Restricted Common Stock
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  • Period of Campaign - 12/14/2021 - 12/14/2022
What securities of the Profiled Issuers do we hold? The positions we hold of the Profiled Issuer are set forth below. We plan to sell these securities during the Campaign.
  • Name of Issuer & Ticker Symbol - Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (LEXX)
  • Number of Shares We or our Affiliates Hold - 224,299
  • Price We Paid Per Share - $0
  • Date Issued - 12/14/2021

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