June 23, 2023
Twenty years ago, local governments across the United States were spending approximately $25 billion a year to keep sewer systems maintained and running as efficiently as possible. That price tag should hint that this is no easy task, as three quarters of the nation’s sewers were so backed up they operated at half capacity, causing 40,000 illegal spills a year into open water. The Water Infrastructure Network estimated it would require another $20 billion a year to keep them from falling apart and remain operational in the two decades since.
Corrosion and blockages, regardless of the cause, can be costly in our homes, to local businesses big and small, just as much as the damage it has wreaked on our sewer systems.
Ecosciences, Inc. (OTCMRKTS:ECEZ) creates bioremediation products that can be added to waste systems to build a better living environment for people. With their innovative Eco-Logical tablets the company offers waste management solutions with multiple market applications for sewers, sludge ponds, septic tanks, lagoons, farms, car washes, portable sanitation facilities, grease tanks, lakes and ponds.
Quality, Reliable Products
The backbone of Ecosciences is its products. And they work. Brand recognition is steadily growing for EcoNow Oxy-Tabs, especially after an appearance on Desiging Spaces. The company’s consumer-facing line of products for septic tanks, drains and pipes.
Cost-Effective Solution
Ecoscience’s innovative products have the potential to save businesses both small and large, home owners, and even entire municipalities large sums of money. More on how later…
Carried By Big-Name Retailers
EcoNow tablets are available to the public through the company’s consumer-facing retail site online and a list of big-name retailers who also carry their products online. This includes Amazon, Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart. QVC and eBay round out Ecoscience’s significant ecommerce accessibility.
Recent Uplisting
Ecosciences welcomed 2022 by obtaining pink current status. The uplisting should be an attractive move for investors looking to strike early with a growing company that is building brand recognition and looks to add other Eco-friendly products to its current core.
Remember the numbers we threw out at the beginning of this — the several billion dollars spent on America’s struggling sewer systems? We can trace that hefty annual cost back many steps, with homes and businesses contributing to a compounding problem. Examining a cost-savings analysis of small and large restaurants can help us understand these problems at their core, how they contribute to billions in sewer maintenance costs, and how EcoNow tablets can be an effective part of the solution.
Your typical small restaurant has a grease trap connected to multiple floor drains, where everything from dishwater runoff to food scraps, cooking oils and greases will be washed away. But anybody who’s been in a restaurant kitchen knows all those residual materials don’t just flush straight through clean pipes. Odors build up as sludge and grease adhere to the walls of the drainage system, attracting fruit flies, making it important to keep these grease traps and pipes clean.
A common tactic is to simply flush enzymes down drains, breaking down the buildup and pushing it on through to municipal pipes. That doesn’t even always work, and the problem doesn’t stop there anyway. That same buildup just becomes somebody else’s problem in our sewer systems. Some cities and towns ban the use of many enzymes for the impact this has on sewer systems, with grease eventually solidifying and clogging municipal pipes. Another option for that local restaurant is to pay for mechanical pumping — an invasive and expensive service that can add up over time.
Ecosciences estimates pumping a grease trap for a large restaurant can cost approximately $850 each time and often only removes liquid waste. They estimate the typical annual cost for this to be $7,200. Meanwhile, by using EcoNow TRAP-EZE tabs, that same restaurant could mitigate monthly or regular pumping costs while saving more than $6,000 over the same 12-month period.
Save $6k or spend $7? The value here is clear.
The active ingredients in Ecoscience’s innovative tablets oxygenate wastewater, remove hydrogen sulfide odors, prevent corrosion in wastewater systems, and initiate aerobic biological breakdown of organic sludge including fats, oils and grease. This all contributes to a more sustainable maintenance solution that benefits our interconnected pipe systems as well as saving money for businesses, individual consumers, and local government.
Small and large businesses can and will choose to cut costs, so long as it’s effective. They just need to know that option is available to them first. Municipalities certainly would encourage and possibly even incentivize this as well.
Aerobic bacteria exists in oxygenated environments, which contrasts anaerobic bacteria, which does not require oxygen for growth. The latter of the two contributes to the foul odors of trash buildup and sludge that we rid our homes and buildings of daily. Combatting this can come with high costs for aeration equipment, higher operating costs for pumping equipment, and even monitoring requirements for checking dissolved oxygen levels in liquid waste. In short, the more oxygenated our waste is — greases, oils, fats, wastewater, and more — the less it wreaks havoc on our immediate environment.
EcoNow Eco-Logical tablets are designed to create a better environment for oxygenation in these environments, which allows aerobic bacteria to do their job. EcoNow tablets oxygenate water through a sustained release in septic tanks, grease traps, and other waste systems. This reduces the grease build up that leads to costly system overflows as well as managing odors. When used regularly, the tablets help create an environment where bacteria can effectively break down waste without the use of harmful chemicals.
EcoNow Oxy-Tabs are available online at Amazon, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and the company’s own website www.econowconsumer.com. OXY-TAB technology provides oxygen, buffers and billions of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that encourage the breakdown of household waste, solids, grease, and toilet paper to properly maintain your septic tank or remove build-up in your pipes and drains.
The benefits of Eco-Now’s revolutionary OXY-TAB technology include:
The utility for the average home-owner is hard to overstate. We’re sure many of you reading have had sticker shock when looking at expensive plumber bills, waste management upkeep, and the like… We know we have.
This segues into the next topic of consideration…
In 2017, Lifetime Television’s Designing Spaces featured EcoNow’s Septic Oxy-Tabs in a segment titled “Green Spaces—How to Maintain Your Septic Tank Safely.” The feature positioned the company for a boost in ecommerce sales and some valuable brand recognition.
Designing Spaces laid out a dilemma that could be very costly for the typical homeowner with a septic system backup. EcoNow walked viewers through the benefits of the company’s septic tabs.
EcoNow products have applications with the potential to impact various segments of waste management and maintenance. Here is a snapshot of the market potential:
Global Waste Management
Globally, the market for waste management encompasses industrial and hazardous waste as well as municipal waste, the latter of which are impacted directly by EcoNow products.
In 2020 this global market was valued at $394.1 billion and is projected to reach $715 billion by 2030. This includes everything from developing new technologies for the proper disposal or decomposition of waste to sustainable efforts to make waste management practices more friendly for the environment. As a consumer-facing business, Ecosciences approaches our global waste management at the source — the homes and small businesses that create waste for our larger municipal systems.
RVs, Boats, and Mobile Homes
The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency notes that recreational vehicles, boats, and mobile homes have a significant impact on our wastewater treatment systems, groundwater runoff, and more. Coincidentally, RVs, for example, have a significant impact on the health of national forests and parks, where the proper care of septic systems contributes to the upkeep and health of these protected spaces.
The agency warns that many common products “may actually accelerate system failure by allowing solids to clog the disposal system; while the products may claim to ‘remove’ sludge, they may just ‘move’ sludge” — a solution EcoNow tabs are designed to address. And while these products do not eliminate the need to pay for septic “pumping,” they can alleviate the frequency or emergency costs for travellers, who can easily pay several hundred dollars for required services.
It’s possible for homeowners to spend as much as $1,000 or more to clean or pump a septic system, with the typical price range anywhere between ~$300 to ~$550. Most tanks require pumping every three to five years and inspections every one to three years, so we can see how these costs can add up over the life of a 30-year mortgage and a flood of other maintenance costs incurred through homeownership.
“We are focused on building, acquiring and investing in businesses around ecological and life sciences,” says President Joe Falitz. “From wastewater remediation to healthcare and more, Ecosciences is committed to building a better living environment for all people. Our bio-remediation business is just the beginning of our plan and goal to create a successful mid to large cap company over the long term.”
The company has shared excitement over its recent market uplisting, which is reason enough to add any business to the watchlist of value-seeking investors. Ecosciences has taken a steady path in the past decade toward growth and they are obviously experiencing that today.
Joel Falitz, CEO
Joel Falitz founded EcoLogical on November 30, 2011 and served as its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding EcoLogical Concepts Inc. in November 2011, Joel was the director of purchasing and the VP of marketing for APO Health, Inc., a health products company, from 2001 to 2006. From 2006 to 2011 he served as the President of Preferred Distribution, Inc., a medical and dental supply company.